Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Psychology; Older Children are Not Always Smarter than Their Young Sibs

In Sciences letter editors, “Psychology; older children are not always smarter than their young sibs” Authors explain what are the factors that affecting in the child intelligence in a result of the new study. First they discuss that new study in child intelligence reverse the old one that says the birth order have no effect on intelligence. According to authors, data was used in the new study to measure children’s mental ability through the family size. Next, they explain how the research did many tests to analyze the problem and make the result more robust. For example, they compared test result at two specific age points. Finally, they find that mother age has positive relationship with the child intelligence. The oldest the mother the more inelegant the child will be. The authors end their result by finding the environment and the genetic influences are the most important factors drive the child intelligence.

Psychology; older children are not always smarts than their younger sibs. (2000, May 5). Science Letter. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from lexis nexis database.

Children Valuables as Cultural Interpreters

In the article,” Children Valuables as Cultural Interpreters,” from Find Articles website, the author states that bilingual children can be successful and effective in the society if they improve their skills beside language. To begin with, the author mentions that children who able to speak two languages should be more effective and more useful in the society not just translators. Next, the author discusses the Valdes’ goal, a professor of education. The goal is to focus on the skills of bilinguals and put them in special programs that construct for gifted. On the other hand, the formal education doesn’t have the ability to improve the special skills that bilinguals have. For example, young Latino who speaks more than one language is supposed to be at gifted programs that require more skills and thinking instead of working just as translators. As a result, the real life shows that unsuccessfulness for these bilingual Latinos come from putting them in formal education rather than putting them in gifted programs. However, Valdes was not accurate in his study according to the numbers of young Latino who enrolled at gifted program. Quoting, a researcher, has a research states that Latinos who enroll in the gifted programs count one- half or less than their “prevalence” in the U.S. population. Also, bilingual Latino children are apart of gifted group where the gifted programs reflect an upper-middle-class experience only. Although, Valdes finds the definition of giftedness is appropriate for young talented children and performing children at high levels when compared with other children of their age, Valdes says that the gifted programs should be performed in education methods to be valid for unique gifted children. I agree that children who are very talented such as bilinguals should be attending to gifted programs for two reasons. First, that program will improve their skills to be in a very high level and the other reason is the program will give them more confidence.
First, children are generally smart, so they learn very fast. Gifted program for talented will help them to increase in all skills or at least one skill. For example, many children play sports but few of them are excellent in specific kind of sport like gymnastics, so by enrolling them into gifted program, they will absolutely master in that field. Another example, if some of children are good at math and the program is focusing on that, when they grow up, they will be smarts in math.
In addition, attending a gifted program gives the child more confidence. The child will feel that he or she is very important and unique child. For example, the gifted child tries to choose the challenge game for spending his or her free times while the regular child will chose soft game to fill his or her free times. Furthermore, the child has his or her opportunity to demonstrate his or her ability to do always better in his or her work and that will teach him or her to trust them selves and grow their confidence.
In conclusion, developing skills and getting confidence are very essential for everybody in the world. Adding gifted program in formal education curriculums will be very useful for both children and society. For children, when they grow up, they will get the best jobs because of their skills. For society it is even more useful because it will produce intellectual nation that effective in all fields.

Children valuables as cultural interpreters. (April,2004).Find Articles. Retrieved
November2,2006,from http://www.findarticles.com

Men’s personalities

Nobody can deny man’s role in a family and in woman’s life. Some men have ability to manage most of things in life, and the other do not depending on their personalities. However, different types of men personalities can make every one of them different from the other in dealing with people and life. Romantic, practical and mean are the common types of men’s personalities.
The first personality type is romantic man. This kind of man always shows his need for women who fall in love with him. He can’t live without love. Also, he shows his kindness with all people and his love by buying a gift with occasion or without it. For example, a flower is the best thing he loves to gift for his wife, girlfriend and mother. Because romantic man usually seems calm and smiling, he avoids the noise and nervousness. Most women are attracted to this kind of man such as love, gift, protection and respect that what woman seeks from man. All these things make the romantic men the favorite kind of man for women.
The next one is practical man or serious man. This man we always see working to get a lot of money. In addition, he doesn’t have much time for discussions or chats with his family. Practical man may believe in love, but he doesn’t show his emotions. Practical man doesn’t pay attention for love because he always has something to do. Because he is busy. For example, he may forgotten his wife’s birthday or forgotten his anniversary day. Some women like this kind of men because these types of men are smart, and they know how to collect a lot of money.
Mean is the last kind of male personality. Usually all the times he acts badly. He says bad words about people that he knows. He doesn’t want good things happen to them, he just wants good thing for him. In addition, he feels jealous from a person who is better than him in job, life, and family. For example, he hurts someone feeling without any obvious reason. Mean’s male generally looking for small mistakes to shouts to his wife or his children. He doesn’t please his family, he only cares about how please himself .Woman avoids this man unless she is mean too. Woman doesn’t want to make any friendship or relationship with him because he doesn’t have clean heart.
In conclusion, every man is different in his personality from the others. Romantic men have the loveliest personality for women. Practical men live to work and collect money. Mean’s men are the worst personality because they have bad attitude with all people. In fact, every woman should think very well, and test his fiancĂ© before she decides to get married. Because some women who get married don’t match their personalities with their fiancĂ©s, they divorce within few months or years at least. So, I recommend every woman before she gets married doesn’t think by her heart, but both by heart and mind to live happy, and to birth happy children and family.