I found this
article, about females students in Britain sold their eggs to infertile couples in U.S.A . Giving your eggs to anybody to get money, it’s illegal in UK. However, in U.S.A it is legal. The issue is that the demanding in U.S for British eggs is huge. In addition, students in UK sell their eggs just to cover their expenses. However, there are some factors restrict the donor such as the donor’s qualification, the donor’s looks, and the donor’s age. Also, the egg donation INC requires from the donor to send pictures for herself, her siblings, and her children if she has.
In my opinion I strongly disagree with both women and men who selling or donating their eggs and sperm to infertile people who are looking for baby. If this sperm and egg comes from the same husband and wife, I agree because in my religion which is Islam it is a big sin to donate sperm or eggs. The child will lose his true heritage. If I donated my eggs to another woman in a sense that child is still mine even if it grows in another woman’s body. The child who born in that way in future might fall in love with his sister and both they do not know that they are siblings. Moreover, the egg that is taken from a donor may have serious genetic diseases. Also, the donor might be under drug addiction which cause birth defect.